Tuesday, June 17, 2014

P is for Pilmsoll

A plimsoll is a sort of old fashioned Gym shoe - with a flat, rubber sole.

Gosh, that is very interesting, Dave - but so what? I hear you ask.

According to some surveys, the plimsoll and its more modern cousin, the carpet slipper, are weapons of choice when it comes to whaling a partner's backside.   It is a hangover from post-WW2 Britain, when the plimsoll was the main weapon of rank and file school teachers.   The cane tended to be for more serious offenses, and in some schools restricted to the Headmaster/mistress and his/her deputy.   So your class master, to keep order and decorum, would often rely on a plimsoll to aid in keeping order.

The thing about the plimsoll is that when used as a simple spanking implement - straight back and to like a hand or even a paddle - it is extremely mild indeed.    It takes a great deal of effort to infuse a deeper shade of pink using one in this manner.

But in the hands of a master - or a mistress even - it can deliver a sting of exquisite sharpness and an instant band of deep red.   It is all in the manner of delivery.

The expert does not swing backwards and forwards like a paddle.   The delivery is a sweeping swipe, from right to left, across the buttocks so that the flat rubber has an effect similar to "Chinese Burn".   And strokes delivered in this manner are extremely painful:  jumping up and down from foot to foot while blinking back tears of disbelief from the impact of a single whack - that sort of extremely painful.

So - should you come across an old fashioned plimsoll, and add it to your collection - do take care how you actually use it.   If your partner is expecting a set of playful pats and gets a blistered backside instead, you might have a lot of explaining to do.

For Safe, Sane and Consensual are our watchwords.    A plimsoll might very unexpectedly find you on the wrong side of that dividing line.

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