The test run took place last Saturday morning, and through external circumstances, the first thrashing could not happen until Monday - or today, at the time of writing. The anticipation was sweetly delicious and truly forecast how good the actuality was going to be.
The delivery angle of the arm had been turned to horizontal (a quick process) and she now bent over a rail to take the swats on the lower part of her bottom. A quick set of short tests established that a full 100% stroke was well within her pain limits, and so I, one stroke at a time, delivered a long and thorough spanking.
After it was over, she was slightly breathless and was bright eyed not from tears forming, but from that excitement that comes from being on an adrenaline rush. We discussed spankings in general and the one she had just received in particular - and I got to learn first hand the difference between a "good girl" spanking and a "bad girl" one. She had just had about as good a "good girl" spanking that one could ever get. But since the strokes were delivered at full force, the question arose if her SOM could ever give her a "bad girl" spanking: should it happen that our needs coincided on such an ordeal being appropriate for her.
And then it struck her - on Saturday, a setting of 70% had stung more than those today set at 100%. Was it possible that a downward swing, gravity assisted, was more intense than a horizontal one.
Only one way to find out.
The equipment was reset for a downward swing, and she assumed her horizontal position on the bed top again.
Towards the end of this session, her buttocks went into involuntary clenching that indicated they were real zingers.
And afterwards she told me that she had been given a sound thrashing. A delightful thrashing that would occupy her thoughts until the next one was delivered. But the bruises now forming on each buttock had arrived with not a hint of tears forming in her eyes. We were still on the "good girl" side of the equation - but the wow factor had reached a new high.
Even though we had not gotten to a "bad girl" spanking, we were well on the way to it. We have one more day to see if we can reach that final target, before taking a week or more break. And tomorrow is that day.
Incidentally, if your SOM is freely standing on a smooth floor, it can mover a fraction of an inch forwards on each spank. Not a great deal, but it gets noticeable if you and your partner are set for some sort of mini-marathon. A simple wedge cures it.
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