The first duty of a spanker is to fully meet the needs of the partner, before all other considerations, A complaint I only recently learned about is that some spankers are such wimps, they cannot bring themselves to spank their partners "hard enough".
So - my partner has for various reasons a need to suffer an occasion "bad girl" spanking and, as yet, the SOM had only delivered ones at the harder end of a "good girl spanking". The manufacturer, very wisely, had provided a paddle that could sting effectively. But not savagely.
What was one to do?
Well, it is relatively easy to acquire half a dozen or so birch saplings that are relatively straight and about a meter long. Ascending a tree with a knife in one hand is tricky, but if motivated enough any young woman could achieve in a satisfactory manner.
Turning half a dozen saplings into a birch rod is also relatively easy. Half way along the bundle fasten them together with tape or ribbon. Half way from that point towards what would become the handle, another encirclement of tape and ribbon. And then to the very end to wrap four or five times around to make the handle itself.
The paddle is detached from the SOM arm by unfastening two bolts. And the birch rod can be made secure using those holes and extra bindings around handle and arm. It is generally agreed that the correct downswing for a birch rod is about a 45 degree angle to the ground - very easy to adjust the SOM to deliver at that angle.
Unless you want one hip to take a lot of the action, it is necessary to ensure that the partner being spanked is far enough from the SOM that all strokes land squarely on the bottom. During the early light test taps, it seemed to me that my partner was too close to the SOM. However, she was adamant that she was not and declined to make any further adjustments to her position.
And during those tests, a surprising discovery. A test tap at 20% made her give a distinct, if subdued, squeal of pain. That was not expected.
So to the main sequence. Traditionally females faced a maximum of 36 strokes of the birch, and three dozen does have a nice ring to it. But if 20% was wince worthy, 50% was more than enough for this first trial run. And that was instantly obviously true. She held the position of her bottom in place so that there was no risk of a stroke landing in a very wrong place, but her head constantly tossed and her curses and yelps were quite emphatic. Furthermore, even through a grainy Skype tablet connection, the change from pale pink to quite red was easily discerned - and the crisp sound of swish and crack was a joy to a spanko's ears.
We had not attached the rod to the arm with any professional fixings, so it was not really a huge surprise when the arm and rod parted company on the 30th stroke. And truth be told, thrity was probably quite sufficient for now. She climbed to her feet with the demeanor of one who had been thoroughly chastised. Examination revealed extensive marking to the buttocks - and to the hip. She had been too close, and promptly vowed not to let that happen again.
We chatted for half an hour or so, while she put this latest beating into context with all priors ones. It had not produced any tears, despite "stinging like merry hell". But it was clearly on the "bad girl" side of the equation.
There were six left, and she wanted to try a modified position to see if she could keep the tips from bending round and hitting her hip. Just six to give? I set the level to 60% and delivered them one at a time. The effect was definitely more significant, and she voiced painful noises of the ow! kind.
More than six at 60% was taken off our agenda. That was not only likely to cause serious damage to her bottom, it would reduce the rod to a frazzle in no short order. We have some more rods in reserve, but waste not want not is one of life's more useful adages.
The aftermath chat confirmed that the birch is a very painful implement, and would easily take over has giving her her worst/best good hiding ever. So we agreed the terms of future sessions, and that we should wait at least a week for the bottom to become robust enough again to face some more discipline of a very sharp kind.
In sum, it is very possible to turn the SOM into a birching machine. And in short, you should do so only if you know what you are doing, with a partner you totally trust. The combination of SOM plus birch is one that could do serious harm to a pair of delicate buttocks.
Post Script - After 24 hours the marks have not started to fade, and are very tender to the touch. Be warned.
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