Sunday, July 26, 2015

Fandom fiction

There is a sub-genre - virtually exclusively in the hands of amateur authors posting to free story sites - of using famous characters from TV, film or written work and using them in a tale. 

There are several levels of psychology going on:  particularly in the world of spanking fiction. 

The easiest one to understand is that the author does not have to spend any narrative on setting up who the characters are, and how they are supposed to interact.   If you should elect to have Hermione Granger subjected to corporal punishment by Professor Snape (a tale that really exists on one forum) you do not need to spend time on descriptions or motives.   Your fellow Harry Potter fans know exactly who these two are, and why Snape would wish to inflict grievous damage to Miss Granger's hind-quarters.   However, you need to keep the tale posted only to some rather obscure site - J.K. Rowling's legal team would have no problem in swinging into action if they had a case you were making profit from copyright infringement.

But if you are safe from legal jeopardy, then it is just a matter of tweaking these pre-set characters to react they way you want.   In Book One itself, Hermione (with good intentions) did set fire to Snape's cloak.   In your tale, you might add that she later discovers that the ancient student code of corporal punishment for students - who cause actual bodily harm to staff members - was not included in the re-write.  That student law is still valid, despite the intent to repeal it.   Being that sort of girl, she demands that Snape follow the rules exactly as written.   You could even give Professor Minerva McGonagall a serious frown as she warns Hermione that the pain will soon fade, but not the memory that Snape will have seen her bare bottom.   See how easy it is!

The second theme is that you can fantasize about just anybody, and make them do your bid and call within the confines of a fandom piece.   Perhaps you think that Haley's mother should have taken a hair brush to her rump before now.   Voila - in your tale that is exactly what happens.   And when you watch all future episodes of that TV comedy series, the relationship of those two onscreen figures will, in your mind, be tempered by that good hiding Mom once gave her teenage daughter.

For the readers of fandom fiction, their motivation is less obvious to me.   Full disclosure - I do not enjoy reading fandom fiction.   But I can make some guesses.   Once the book, film, series is over, then there will be no more from that source.   So it is just great that some other sources take over to explore what and how your favorite characters continue after the "official" media is done with them.   People go to, for example, a Harry Potter fandom site for the sheer delight of new thoughts and ideas being expounded - provided that all of them stay in role forever.    Try to explore Snape's feminine side, and you might find you have become most unpopular on the site.

So fandom fiction gives us rapid access to existing personae and lets them follow our script, provided they stay in their original roles.   A not total waste of time, but you should only write stuff for sharing it with fellow enthusiasts, and for free.    Having said that, if your piece gives you a fully fledged outline for a professional piece, all you have to do is rewrite it with brand new characters.   Granted, they will need fleshing out:  but all the hard work is already done.    For a wordsmith, this is going to be one of those easy-peasy assignments.

Friday, July 24, 2015

The bare truth

Pander me for a while while I take us through one of my own favorite experiences and themes for spanking fiction.   She is comfortably across my knee, skirt properly lifted, and is ready for her bottom to be turned from relaxed ease into one that has been well chastised.

A question worthy of exploring from a narrative point of view:  Who pulls down the panties?

A very short space of time for the act to take place, but so many delicious dynamics can come into play - particularly for written narrative or video.

If I simply pull down her panties, an aspect of my dominance has come into play, and if she does one of her submissiveness is in effect.  Either is pretty cool, depending on the circumstances and each has its own impact on heightening the ensuing pleasure.

Unless it is a discipline spanking and she does not want it to be on her bare bottom.   It goes without saying that if I have decided it will be on her naked bottom, then that is how it will happen - but we face a temporary act of defiance by her.

If I tell her to take down her panties and she flatly refuses, we have some sort of physical or psychological battle on our hands.   And, rankly, the only way of overcoming it is to give her enough pre-spanking spanks to make her change her mind.

On the other hand, if I try to pull down her panties and she twists and writhes in a vain attempt to halt the proceedings, at most she has only delayed the inevitable by a few seconds, and during that delay has repeatedly shown me just how soft and malleable her buttocks are.   Which is no bad thing.

So - in real life - a SSC spanking that may (but perhaps not) lead to a romp of a more erotic nature, telling her to pull down her panties as no downside and increases the amount of her submission to my authority.   And a punishment spanking almost demands that I assert my authority by pulling them down regardless of any protest.

In fiction, you may want to use this moment to clarify the respective roles of your two characters.   His act, or demand, says something about the authority he has over her,   And her compliance or rebellion something about her acceptance of that authority.

A ploy worth having in your back of tricks to flesh out the emotions and sensations swirling around a spanking scene.

Feeling guilty

Some spankos feel guilty - not because they have been caught red handed and know what is going to happen to them - but about being spankos.

When one part of society points at a different part of society with a different world view, the part pointed at can be made to suffer in all sorts of unhealthy ways.

A classic example - even in today's enlightened society - is the way groups of heterosexuals treat homosexuals.   Largely based on misreading holy scripture, some religions tell gays that they are willfully sinning against God, and will spend all eternity screaming in hell fire for making the wrong choice.   (This is not the blog for discussing this at length - but if the word "eloah" really, really meant "Abomination" (which it doesn't), the modern meaning of abomination was given in the 13th century.    Whatever the ancients meant when they scribed that what might possibly be described as a homosexual act, it was eloah, they were not talking in the words of Roman Catholic homophobes).

Anyway, the conservative religions have dumped so much guilt onto teenage homosexuals, that a counter group has been set up to reduce the number of suicides among teenage gays.   Honest - if you want more detail, Google for "It gets better" and you will see what the good guys are doing to reduced one harmful effect of not understanding scripture.

Back to spanking.

One topic that turns up pretty regularly on self help psychological forums is a request from someone on how to "get rid" of a spanking fetish.   The reason why spankings have become part of the sex drive vary - but almost always hark back to childhood spankings - but instead of healthy acceptance to embrace the foible, the writer wallows in the guilt of having such "unnatural" desires.   Fellow writers (who seem to have no formal training in psychology advise "ignore it and it will go away" strategies.   All very sad.

SSC spankings between adults is quite delightful and - apart from some mild bruising - does not damage the participants in any manner that should cause alarm.

I think we are seeing a spill over from the anti-spanking brigade.   Those fanatics are so self assured that no good can ever come from swatting a child - despite all the evidence to the contrary - that their propaganda has spilled over into the area of what makes the "correct" set of sexual preferences.

It behooves us all to try to engender the notion that being a spanko is no cause for shame.   The problem is, I guess, the vast majority have secrecy ingrained into us, that even talking about it is a task that simply cannot happen.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The big turn on

Spankos get turned on by spankings - that is taken as a self evident truth.   But when you ask spankos what it is that turns them on, you get different answers.

As you probably already known, the largest sex organ in the human body is the brain,   All pleasure, taste, sight, tactile, orgasmic, whatever, happens inside the brain and the trigger outside of the brain simply initiates a pleasure sequence deep inside the head.

Virtually any nerve system in the body can trigger the pleasure circuit to tingle.   Hence, let someone with a foot fetish loose on a suitable pair of feet, and watch near ecstasy take center stage.  Horses for courses and other useful adages come to mind.

Some hypothesize that the sight of buttocks turning red is linked to some primordial mating signal in the manner of some primates who still use colored hind quarters as an indication of readiness to mate.   But that tends to overlook the fact that most spankos are way less primitive than the average human being.

Another theory, that does not stand very close scrutiny, is that a body in agony mimics that of a body in high sexual stimulation:  groans, moans, wild shaking of limbs...    I did say, it does not stand very close scrutiny.

So what is the one big trigger?    There isn't one.    Whatever reduces you to a whimpering wreck of sexual delight may be the biggest turn off that the next in line has ever heard.

It all depends upon what stimuli trigger the pleasure circuits in any one brain, and the personal journeys of each of us has brought us to our own personal vision of heaven.

There are some common experiences and they can lead to some generalizations.   The prostrate gland in the human male lies near the outer end of the colon:  pressure close to the anus could cause the colon to contract in that areas, causing the prostate gland to feel as if it were being massaged.  An act virtually guaranteed to cause an erection.   So some come up with an equation that goes along the lines of spank = contraction = massage action = pleasure sensation.   And for some, but not all, that does happen.

Likewise, within the nether regions of a lady, the vagina and the anus are closely coordinated in sensations by the pudendal nerves.   Which gives another formula spank = contraction of anus = contraction of vagina = pleasure sensation.   Again, true for some, but a great universal truth,

The tactile sensation of hand on bottom, from either side of that equation, is not unpleasant.   The dominance/subservience of a spanking can trigger all sorts of deep tingles.   And the simple memory of how prior episodes led to great relief can, just by itself, be sufficient to set us off down that path once again.

From surveys, we on the dominant side do get higher when the spanking is "supposed" to be unwilling, and those on the submissive side have reported that the dominant's pleasure in what is going on far outweighs their own.

Even so, there is an unwritten SSC contract binding us all, and we breach that to slake our own lust at great peril to our own relationships.   Only when fantasizing in fiction can we ever cross that bounday line.

Resistence is useless

It would seem to me that we have two sorts of submissives on the spanking scene - the pacifist and the fighter.

The pacifist admits defeat as soon as the penalty is spelled out - goes across a knee or a desk without a word of protest and hangs on in until the final spank has finished its blistering effect.

And the fighter kicks and yells and does everything possible to delay the inevitable - and even once it has started, continue to delay its conclusion for as long as humanly possible.

And each has their role to play in our fantasies.   The noble heroine, going to her fate, can engender both sympathy and empathy.   And if nothing else, the bottom will be an easy target.    On the other hand, a wild cat brat flatly refusing to take her punishment strongly reinforces the unwilling victim aspect that acts as added pepper some of the time.   And wriggling about does give one more opportunities to see forbidden charms than when staring at a stoic and solidly clenched pair of thighs.

Video producers love fighters - simply for the fact that overcoming the struggles is taking up chunks of recording time that otherwise would have to be filled with ad lib dialogue, and we all know how bad that can turn out.

But you might have spotted the RealSpankingsNetwork and Pain4Fem are making fortunes with simple "Come here - assume the position - take that" shorts that are very low on talk, very low on resistance and very high on pain infliction.    And while English Spanking Classics still make their videos available for sale - full of tantrums and jumping around - they are virtually out of production.

As writers we can feed our readers what makes them tingle - and all the evidence points to them preferring spankees who grit their teeth and take their whacks.   Grunts of pain are well within order - but "keep your hands off me, you brute" goes into a zone most readers don't really care. for.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The age gap

The perceived wisdom of heterosexual marriage - at least in the UK when I was a lad - was that the husband should be slightly, but not excessively, older than the wife.   Exceptions abounded all over the place, but were always seen as being exceptions to the rule.   A wife "too young" was either indicative of a gold digger in action, or a dirty old man getting his wicked way, depending upon your point of view.   A wife "too old" was usually indicative of a mommy's boy achieving his ideal partner.

And this seems to have spilled over into spanking fiction:  the participants in an adult relationship that is SSC are expected to be of about the same age:  and in the genre of erotic spanking, in their youthful prime.  When the shorthand M/F is used, he may be excessively dominant and she excessively submissive, but woe betide you if you make it clear there is a huge age gap between them.   Particularly if the action after the spanking turns into a sex romp.

The same sort of unwritten rule seems to apply to discipline, in real life as in spanking fiction.   A male  disciplinarian is expected to out-age a female penitent, by some degree, however small.   M/F is back to our heterosexual marriage rule, M/f is dad whacking his teenage daughter and M/g is a teacher whacking a young schoolgirl.   (Point worthy of note - any /g tale is fraught with potential difficulty and having a very young girl get spanked is more likely to get you hate mail than a growing band of followers) - of course, your mileage may vary.

When we have protagonists who are F/f and F/g the age gap is instantly obvious.   F/F has some interesting age considerations in play,  You might find that if the two ladies are of similar age, you have no need for narrative to explain their relationship and that the bigger the difference in age there is, the more detail you have to deal out.   However, should your tale have some twenty year old young woman taking her hairbrush to a forty year old's bottom, you really will have to spend a lot of time showing how such an unlikely outcome came about.   On the other hand, it does not need anywhere near as much work when a 40 year old teaches a lesson to someone in her acquaintance who is only 20 years old.

The scenarios of M/m, M/b, F/m and F/b clearly have no problems dealing with the inherent ageism we spankos seem to have.    And when it comes to M/M and F/M, we are in area where I have no personal experience or observation to share with you.   I suspect that the dominant party "ought" to be about the same age or slightly older than the submissive one, but really don't know for sure.   But even as an outsider looking in, I think that if you write about a 20 year old young woman taking a cane to a 40 year old male, you will need a lot of set up to get the reader to be comfy with the situation. 

The hole truth

You need to be quite adult about this - we need to have a talk about some of the human orifices.   They have an impact or your readers' sexual drive, and thereby could impact your writing.   And it is not impossible you might get to understand yourself a little better.

There are over 60 types of sphincter, or anus, in the human body but only one that we can readily identify:  to such an extant that the word anus has, for the vast majority of us, become to mean that one.   The one that everyone has, but very few ever get around to talking about.   The possession of an anus seems to be a bigger secret than having a spanking element to one's psyche.   By far, the item most often stolen by shop lifters are hemorrhoid treatments - because being caught stealing is far less shameful than letting a store clerk of an embarrassing medical condition.

At the other extreme, some people get a great deal of innocent pleasure from wearing "butt-plugs" - a sort of dildo that is inserted into the anus and left there for a while.

Which makes the topic of anuses a tad tricky for us writers of spanking fiction.    The slaps are being delivered in close proximity to an anus - in some forms of extreme BDSM to the actual anus itself - and as writers we can narrate about it or turn a blind eye to it.   Which is more correct?   It depends.

There are three words that are perfectly permissible in "polite" fiction:  penis, vagina and anus.   Provided that very few adjectives are added to any of those three nouns:   too many adjectives and the line has been crossed taking our work outside that which is considered polite.   And if you use any of the common crude terms instead of the scientific nomenclature, you have instantly become "impolite".    Indeed, lots of adjectives with crude terms and you meet one of the more common definitions of pornography.

Writing pornography is perfectly OK - provided that you do not try to sell it to people having disguised and promoted it as polite fiction.   That would be some sort of breach of trust in the unwritten contract between author and reader.

If your target audience is one that expects you stay within the confines of polite society, then mentioning the existence of the anus between the buttocks should only occur if, for some reason, it is germane to the story.   And even then, only a passing reference.   If you are writing to those who enjoy pornography, describing in meticulous detail the spankee's anus and what happens to it during the course of your tale is not only warranted, omitting it would - for some readers - be something of a let down.   Your readers,  your writing.

That is enough on this topic for today.   It might interest you to know why the anus is part of the sex drive, and that is a topic I shall return to in the near future.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Implement of Choice

Quite often, simply by selecting an implement with which to punish a bottom, an author leaves it at that.   The protagonist delivers ten crisp cracks of a crop, and the reader is left to connect the dots.   A double edged sword, for the reader may make the beating meet some unstated ideal, but the reader may end up with a bottom that looks nothing like the one you imagined at the time of writing.

This is because the same implement may have different effects depending upon how it is used.

There are two main spanking motions:  back and forth in the manner of an oak paddle, or swished across the bottom as in the manner of a prison strap.    The outcome will be quite different.

A birch rod used as a paddle is fairly tame - and the sorest part of the victim's body is more likely to be the right hip rather than the bottom itself (the tips of the birch can curl around the butt, and it is where the tips land that cause the greatest pain).   A birch rod used with a whipping motion is a different matter altogether - this is the Victorian way, and it is designed to draw blood quickly and efficiently.   Six of the best of a birch used in a spanking motion might produce a yelp - six with a whipping motion is almost guaranteed to produce screams of pain.

And so it goes on.   A plimsoll (a British gym shoe with a flat rubber sole) used with a spanking motion caused a schoolkid to return to their desk with a sullen frown.  Used with swish would have the same schoolkid hopping up and down in a very lively manner, before returning to their desk with eyes brimming with tears.

Some implements - of the whip family, such as quirt, sjambok or buggy whip - are clearly meant to be used with a whipping motion.   And when so used, were constructed in such a way that the blows were likely to break the skin.   As authors, we might not want our characters to end up with bloody bottoms, but if we do not spell it out clearly, our readers may read the scene and conclude that a blood fest is what we intended.

Some implements - of the stiff paddle family - can virtually only be used with a back and forth spanking motion.   Dependent upon size, weight, and strength of arm, the most likely outcome is a pair of severely bruised buttocks.   If extensive bruising is not your intent - and more important, not an effect your readers relish - when you decide a paddle is going to be the choice of implement, you need to take time to make it clear that the size, weight and/or strength of arm is such that the bottom will tingle a healthy deep pink, and not turn black.

And then we have those that can be used either way.   A garden cane used with a spanking motion is going to sting like merry hell - but one used with a whipping motion will raise welts of a much more serious nature.

So, unless we do not care what our reader thinks has happened to the bottom under duress, it behooves us to give enough clues that the picture in the reader's mind is the one that we wish to draw.

Hold out your hand

We spankos prefer it when the bottom is the target of punitive action - it is what makes us what we are.

But not exclusively so - which raises an interesting question at what point does the infliction of pain to some part of the body lose any interest for us.   Up front, I would say that tooth-ache has nothing of interest to the vast majority of us.   And a migraine is largely of the agenda of pain sensations that set off our internal tingle.

But what about a young lady holding out her hand to have its palm strapped or - more rarely - given one or more stokes of the cane.   Well, the sight is no stranger to most of us.   Because the practice was so wide spread in post-war English school discipline, it does make an appearance in both literature and video.   Is it erotic?   Sometimes, I guess.   A person holding out their hand for pain to be inflicted upon it is about as submissive an act as any one can imagine - right up there with touching one's toes for a similar fate to be inflicted upon a backside.   Submission is definitely among our possible buttons, and getting the palm of one's hand caned or strapped was, in real life, as about non-consensual as it ever got.   The actress is a willing victim, but when in such a posture of complete submission it is easy to pretend that she is not.

Blows across the shoulder and upper back turn up so often in videos of a more punitive nature, that the producers know they have tapped into a money making line.   Before getting, say, 25 strokes of a quirt across her backside, the recipient first gets 25 across the back.   It is not clear to me why a back whipping can intrigue, particular when a bottom one is going to follow, but it is common enough as to be standard fare.

On the other hand, blows inflicted elsewhere to the body simply do not interest me that much.   Frontal whippings are not part of my personal foible, and inflicting pain on the private parts, for me, is quite a turn off.

So my works almost invariably lead to a female getting her bottom spanked.    And there is very little deviation from that one outcome.   For my readers, this is just fine - they want to read about ladies of varying ages getting enjoyable or unenjoyable bottom warmings, and they know that is where my tales are going to take them.

For you and your readers, you need to decide if you are going to stay mainstream, or fill a niche.   And once you have so chosen, there are enough potential readers to keep you happy.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Hello, my little spanko...

As you are acutely aware, even though the internet has torn down the curtain to reveal that million upon million of us (up to 20% of all adults according to some) enjoy some aspects of the spanking scene, we are extremely shy about telling others that we have our foible.

Which makes meeting up with like minds a little difficult.

Suppose, for the sake of illustration, you were a man seeking a female companion - you could not possibly start strike-up conversations with the line "Hello little girl, you look as if you have been naughty.   Does your naughty bottom deserve a spank or two?"   Well, I suppose it is not impossible, but even if you happened to be chatting with a spanko, the chances are that you will have turned her right off getting involved with you.

If you think about it, exactly the same difficulty arises for vanillas trying to pick up other vanillas for some vanilla styled sex.   An opening line of "Would you like to go to bed with me?" is one fraught with rejection of all manner of reasons.

Vanilla or spanko - we all have to dance some sort of dance first.    Except vanillas do not have to introduce the topic of sex into the negotiation:  that is somewhat something of a given when two start the tango that might lead to a bedtime romp.

We spankos do not have spanking as a given in the negotiations:  there is a 50% chance our new colleague has no interest in spanking activity whatsoever, a 25% chance they can tolerate some as a sort of "slap and tickle" approach to foreplay, and 25% are hoping against hope that you share the same burning desire that they do.   Bringing up spanking gives you a 50/50 shot of it being a turn off, and the same chance it might lead to a butt getting a whack or two.   While those are not bad odds, the act of tossing the dice means that we have to show our interest, in outright breach of the secrecy we need according to paragraph one above.

So - what can we do.    Well, first we can hang about on chat forums;  that gives us anonymity while revealing our deepest secrets.    But that is a less than stellar way of finding a real life partner to share some real life activity.

We could attend a "munch" - a meeting of spankos for entertainment and meet up purposes.   But any recovery attempt to deny our spanko nature is doomed to failure.   Another certain breach of secrecy.

We really are left with simply trying to broach the subject while in a one-to-one meeting, in such a way that both parties can do a recovery if the other is clearly not a spanko.

Arm yourself with suitable seques into any topic that makes no statement about what you are hoping to hear.   Television becomes a topic?   There have been masses of TV startles lately - you should be able to bring one to mind without it being on the lines of "Amy clearly loved getting spanked by Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory.   How about you?"      Your own childhood days?   Aw come on - you have to be able to say something about how today's anti-spanking policy is affecting the public behavior of children.   And that gives a good reason to ask your companion what sort of discipline they got when they were younger.   Which might be an interesting topic in its own right.

If your partner makes some sort of mild gaffe, you have a chance to introduce the lame joke, with a very broad smile,  "It seems that you were not beaten often enough or hard enough when you were younger - and it now shows."  Not a rib tickler, and not brought in as such - the reaction to those words might tell you so much about your new potential partner that you will both know how the land lies.

In the manner of a cast member of "Astronaut Wives' Club" you might simply give a friendly swat to the rump of your acquaintance.   An annoyed protest can be countered with "Sorry - I was just giving your bottom a friendly compliment for being so attractive."   It allows you to recover from a hostile response, and move forward if the response was clearly not of a hostile nature.

Now - we would not be having this discussion if being a spanko was not seen as needing to be a carefully kept secret.  Maybe we should all join in some sort of world wide coming out campaign.   And the act of coming out might bring very pleasant surprises in its wake.