Friday, June 26, 2015

X is for Xmas

Christmas is rich in its traditions of spankings and its opportunities to invent new traditions.

In olden times, a child did not know until Christmas morning whether the afternoon would be spent playing with presents or nursing a freshly birched bottom.   Saint Nickolaus had no qualms in delivering a fresh birch rod to the parents of children whose behavior warranted one or more good hidings to even up the score.

And so, in some circles, Santa Claus (a modern-day corruption of the name Saint Nickolaus) is quite willing to dish out instant justice - especially to scantily dressed young ladies.    It is mainly in the visual arts that we are treated to the sight of a pair of feminine buttocks being paddled to become as red as Santa's robe:  it is rare to find a spanking fiction author to portray this particular scene except as a satirical parody.

Christmas comes with its own built in vibrancy.   And in only a slightly different manner, spankings come with their own built in vibrancy.   It is no wonder we authors find so many ways of combining the two.

There are a number of plot structures we can use to show that an Christmas spanking is not that out of the question.    Teenagers often get access to alcohol on Xmas Eve, which leads to all sorts of reasons why one or more might find mom or dad belaboring their backsides for conduct unbecoming during a religious holiday.    There are a stack of reasons why over-excited people might do something silly, and in spanking fiction, there is only one outcome for somebody who has done something that is considered to be "too" silly.

In fact, we fiction authors may be able to generate a new tradition of Christmas Spanking to supplement the wonderful work we have done to make the Birthday Spanking part and parcel of our modern culture, vanillas included.    If we can get everyone to link spankings with happy times, our need for secrecy will surely abate.

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