Just Wilhelmina and the Bridge Game

In 1925 Mister Vanderbilt constructed a new version of Auction Bridge - he called it Contract Bridge - and the game started a craze that swept the entire world.   Ten years later it had even reached the sleepy village where Wilhelmina and her family resided.

The evening sky had turned dark over Academia Way, and the navy blue painted tree-house - high in the tree overlooking the immaculately manicured lawn - seemed to have turned jet black in the fading light.   An elongated  square of light green on that lawn marked where the electric light from the Watson household hit the ground.

Somewhere, over a distant tract of farmland, an owl made its lonely mating call.

It was the second hand in the third rubber of a session of domestic Contract Bridge.   Mister and Mrs. Watson had the blue deck; the Green’s the red one.   It was Mrs. Watson’s turn to deal, so Mister Watson shuffled the deck thoroughly, and passed it to his left so that Mister Green could perform the cut.

They were startled by a loud bang that came from under the window sill.

“Ah - probably the hot water pipe.  It often makes a thud and bang as it cools down over-night.”

“Yes - of course,” agreed Mister Green who cut the deck of cards and passed it to Mrs. Watson.

She dealt all fifty two cards, one at a time, to each of the four players sitting around the green brazed card table.   Two cut glass tumblers bearing a decent measure of fine whiskey marked where the menfolk sat, and two dainty glasses of sweet sherry where the ladies were.

With a current score of 60 below the line, the Watsons only needed 40 more to win the rubber.   A part score in either minor would be enough.

Mrs. Watson picked up her cards, and started to sort them out.   Her breathing became slightly belabored.  

She was looking at all thirteen hearts - a solid sequence from ace to king.   She had read everything that Ely Culbertson had written, but that erstwhile authority had never dealt with how to bid a hand when holding a 13-0-0-0 distribution.

She opened and shut her mouth several times.

“Hell’s teeth!” whispered her husband, sitting opposite, a tad too loudly for polite company.

“I say, old man …” interjected Mister Green.

“Sorry, old bean, but this is just the absolute bee’s knees.”

“Not you as well!   I’m looking at thirteen spades!”

“Hearts,” offered Mrs. Watson.

“Diamonds.   All the diamonds.  Every single one of them.”  Mrs. Green was close to speechless.

Mister Watson, in a breach of rules that would have caused serious gossip in some quarters, tabled his hand face up to reveal he held intact the club suit.

“I say, Watson, you didn’t …?”    Mister Green nodded meaningfully at the displayed hand.

“Didn’t what, Green?  Stack the deck?   Land’s sake man, you watched me shuffle the pack.   With a riffle shuffle.   I’m no card sharp!”

“Sorry old chap - It’s just that nothing like this has ever happened to me…”

“What are the odds?   I think we should call the Gazette and see if they want a photograph of this.  It’s a perfect deal.   That does not happen every day!”

“Indeed Monica - let us to the kitchen and make the call.   We might refresh our glasses as well, at the
same time.”

The four trooped happily to the kitchen, home of the telephone and also of fresh ice, to announce the news and bask in short lived, even if well deserved, public acclimation.


The item not only made the Gazette - the village newspaper:  it also got a mention in the Register itself.   Which, in that part of the world, was considered to be virtually the same as having National coverage.   Such fame; such glory!

Ely Culbertson himself was quoted as saying the odds of a perfect deal was very, very long indeed.   But not impossible.


Just Wilhelmina lay on her back in the navy blue tree house and stared outside at the small fluffy clouds wafting high in the deep blue of a summer sky.   (Every other member of her extended family had a middle name:  she alone did not and had thereby acquired the odd prefix of “Just”.  Some families are notorious for doing inexplicably odd things like that.)

Her jet black ringlets seemed to make her face seem even whiter than it really was.   She had large blue eyes over a snub nose and cupid mouth.   She would one day break the hearts of would be suitors by simply not remembering their names.   But for now, school and the possibility of college pushed such thoughts firmly to the back of her mind.

What did pre-occupy her was the perfect deal.   So much upheaval.   Should she confess?

Her bottom twitched at the thought.   Father had a most fearsome strap.   Made of the thick hard leather used for infantry-troop boot-soles.   Guaranteed to curb the most wayward child.   Eventually. 

And she had a history of carrying out the most audacious pranks, despite any possibility of such pranks resulting in getting a pair of buttocks that yelled in pain “Don’t do that again!” for hours on end.   There was only one possible outcome at the end of this.   She sighed.

She stood up, tucked her blue short sleeved polo shirt into her khaki shorts and prepared the long climb down the rope ladder to the perfectly manicured lawn below.  She had an inkling of what troops must have felt before going over the top - but, they did not have to face the ire of a father with a reputation of having a fierce right arm.   They had it much easier.


Mister Watson sat at the desk in his den, contemplating the letter from his accountant which seemed to agree with the official position that personal taxes had been slightly underpaid for the past few years. Drat.   Back taxes, interest and penalties:  all in all more than the price of a decent bottle of single malt. 

Just Wilhelmina walked in unannounced and stood squarely to face him.   She seemed to be devoid of all emotion, save for the twisting of her hands behind her back …

“?” he said silently with the flick of an arched eyebrow.

“It was me.”

“Ah.   What was you?”    He had been down this route before.   Some dire deed was about to be confessed.   His daughter always admitted to the truth sooner or later … but wait a second - there was no outstanding mischief to account for, was there?

She looked at the picture frame, hanging on the wall, which housed a deck of cards sorted into four suits.   The blue deck.   Now preserved for all time.   She nodded at it.

“The cards.   That was me.”

“What?    What do you mean it was you?”

“I fixed it.   I had no idea things would get so out of hand.  I thought you would have guessed straight away.”

“What do you mean, “fixed it”?   You weren’t even there.”

“Putting a table cloth over a card table means that it touches the ground on all four sides.   I was under the table all evening.”

“Under the table?   What on earth for??!”   Father’s voice was beginning to crack with incredulity.

“I’d got both a red pack and a blue pack sorted out in order.   I rolled a golf ball so it smacked hard against the wall.   It gave me a good two seconds to make the switch.  More than enough, really.”

“What if we’d seen you?!”

“You’d have written it off as just another silly prank.   And since it was one that you’d nipped in the bud, I bet you would’ve just sent me back to bed without doing anything else.  But you didn’t see me.”

“That we did not.   Oh lordy, oh lordy - what a mess you’ve made this time Wilhelmina.”

“Are you going to make me tell Mother?  And the Greens?”

“Good heaven’s no!   The shock!   The shame!    I could not …   They should not … No.   Your silly prank must never become public knowledge.   Never!”

She pursed her lips and looked down at the floor in front of her black sandal shoes.

“I’m sorry, father.”

“Sorry?   I should give you a damn good hiding for this.   You have no idea how much distress you might have wreaked.   And all for some stupid prank of yours.   Do your friends know about this?”

“Tom, Charlie and Henry?”

“No, I meant those girls who you hang around with,”

Wilhelmina permitted herself a smile.   “That’s them.   We have nicknames.”

“Ah.   Right.”

“And no - they aren’t in on this one.   There’s just me who knows.”

“And now me.   I wished you had kept it to yourself, you know.”

She grimaced and wrinkled up her nose.   “I was going to.   But then I knew I’d have to tell you sooner or later.   So I thought I’d get it over and done with.”

“I don’t want this to go any further.   It’s between just us two.   Is that quite clear?”

“I know.    I shan’t breathe a word to anyone else.”

“Right.   That’s settled.   And now for you.”

She felt her buttocks grip themselves tightly, unbidden, as if they had a will of their own.   They seemed to be aware what was going to happen in the very near future, and they did not view the prospect with any element of joy.

“We have the house to ourselves for the next hour or so.   Your mother will not be back from shopping until five.   Which is fine - I do not want to make a big thing out of this - by the time she and the rest of the family get home you should have regained your composure.”

“Yes father.”

“Go to your bedroom and get yourself ready.    This time you have gone far too far and I shall teach you a lesson in self-control that might come to mind should you ever come up with something as cock-a-namie as this again.”

“Yes father.”

She spun on the heel of her left sandal and walked out, head held high, to go and wait for her father’s wrath.

As she climbed the stairs she felt a knot in her tummy.   Some spankings she had gotten in the past had been quite squirm inducing.   She doubted that this one would be in that category.


He opened the door and entered her bedroom.   He was carrying the leather strap.

She had prepared herself for the spanking she was about to get:  upper body face down over the end of the bed, two pillows under her tummy - shorts around her ankles and underwear around her knees.

This was not the first time she had been taken to task for making mischief.   It occurred to her that it really ought to be the last.    And shrugged off that idea as being totally inane.

“This needs to stop, Wilhelmina.   You should be at college in a couple of years.   You are simply getting too big to be spanked anymore.”

“Yes father.”   She looked back over her shoulder.   “When Charlotte messes up, they make her write an essay …”

“Charlotte?   The one who dipped my tie in pain?   That Charlotte.”

“er… Yes.   That one.    If you want, you could start getting me to write essays instead of spanking me.”

“I rather think not.   If you are going to act like a ten year old, I shall jolly well treat you like one.”

She turned her head to face the head board again.   “Yes father.   I know there might be consequences for what I do.   I’ve never tried to try to avoid them.”

“Indeed, you never have.    But - if you’re not going to mend your ways, you may expect this to be repeated from time to time.   Brace yourself.”

Unbidden, her buttocks tensed themselves up again.   It was the moment of truth.

He took aim and delivered a firm crisp slap to her rump.   A band of deep pink instantly splayed across both cheeks, making her wriggle an inch or two, and it produced a deep throated grunt through her clenched teeth.

He set up a regular paced rhythm, until all 18 swats had done as much damage as they could to a young lady’s bottom.    Which, in the event, had turned into two crimson orbs which promised to turn to dark shade of bruising before the evening was out.

All he had gotten in return for so much vim and vigor was 18 clench-teethed grunts by way of response.   A two edged sword if you will - it made it easier to complete the assigned number without alarming oneself over the severity of the treatment - but a good old fashioned yelp of annoyed pain would have made it seem that the lesson was really being learned.

He started to unroll the shirt sleeve on his right arm down back to its normal length.   

“Dinner at eight.   Are you going to be okay by then, or should I …”

“I’ll be able to walk normally by then, Father.    I won’t enjoy it much, but there’ll be no need for anyone to suspect that you’ve just given me such a thorough strapping.”

“Good girl.   Then I’ll leave you to …”   He waved vaguely in the general area of the bedroom.

“Yes father.   Now that we are all square again, you need not worry about me telling anyone else about our secret.”

He nodded and left, quietly closing the door gently behind him.

She slowly stood up, checked that there were no tears on her face and delicately touched her fresh wounds.    It had started off a bit rotten, but to her joyful surprise it had turned out to be very squirmy before it was all over.

She had always been convinced that she was the only person on the entire planet who could find spankings to be enjoyable - a secret she held steadfast to herself.   The consequences of anyone learning about it were just too appalling to contemplate.

And her little secret was still safe!    At least her father did not have any inkling.   Otherwise he would not have given her such a blistering - that would have made no sense at all.   

She went to the bathroom to apply a cold water compress, made out of a freshly soaked face flannel, to ease the sting back down a little.

She pondered - her friends were chomping at the bit for another prank to play on some hapless victim, and would be looking to her to lead them into something worthwhile.    But she needed a few days in order that total normalcy could return to her bottom.    She would have to come up with a reasonable stall …    Or risk the possibility of total mayhem being applied to her rump.

She was sure a reasonable stall would occur to her before they all met in the tree house tomorrow morning.   Mayhem was not an option.   No - really - it wasn’t.

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