Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Motivation - 2

In the real life spanking of adults, the word "no" rules.   The spankee explicitly or implicitly gives the spanker permission to proceed:  to the extent of sometimes being known as "topping from the bottom".    And if, for whatever reason, the spankee decides enough is enough, that is usually sufficient to bring matters to an immediate close.

But in fiction, spankees allow themselves to be coerced into the most fearsome beatings with hardly a protest:  and never one that amounts to a flat "no".   In fiction, victims are always willing victims no matter how unlikely their real life counter-part may be.

Authors tend to use three plot ploys to ensure that the spanking promised to the reader actually takes place:  the spankee accepts for whatever reason that a spanking is called for, some outside pressure makes refusal impossible, or the spankee really enjoys the sting.   And to stir things up, sometimes all three are present in different mixes.

Some authors (often new to the trade) will spend a lot of page space explaining why the spankee is consenting to be whopped.    And often, this is an area where the more analysis that takes place has the effect of reducing the reader's interest in the character.   A reluctant spankee may spend a page or two coming to terms with the emotional, physical and psychological impact of what is about to happen.   The reader accepts that convention demands that once a spankee has been told to assume the position, the spankee will promptly comply.   This is not the time for detailed reflection of why spankees willingly go to their fate.   At list in fiction they always do.

There are times to explore the relationship between the two parties:  but that can take place in the set up, or in the aftermath.   All resistance from an unwilling spankee can, perhaps, be dealt with even before the "crime" is revealed.    And for those who have spanking rituals as part of their foreplay, the whys and wherefores may be part of the post coital relaxation.

For most readers do not really care about the motivation of the spankee unless the set up is so unbelievable that it beggars belief.   You might have come across something of the sort:  a school rebellion results in the headmistress accepting a caning from the head prefect.   The author is absorbed with a role-reversal disciplinary punishment, and it all works ,,, because ,,, because..    The motivation may very well require a suspension of disbelief larger than that required for the set up itself.

The reader wants the victim to find a quick excuse to assume the position:  authors need to recognize that when they ponder why this particular spankee would accept a spanking from that particular spanker.

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