Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I is for Inspiration

You cannot rely on your muse to give you a never-ending supply of plots and plot twists:  muses seem to have their own agendas, which, as far as I can tell, includes long sabbaticals of vacations that leave you staring at your keyboard aghast at the lack of any words to type.

Sometimes our muse does work overtime on our behalf:  more than once I have woken with a complete short story sitting fresh in my mind, just waiting to be transcribed into word processed text.   Almost like a reader, simply following along what is predestined to happen.

But that is rare.   Two or three times for me, so far.

So what can one do to break spanker writer's block?

Personally, I find the photo-blogs to be a fine source of stimulating the creative juices.   It really does not matter which blog you use - they all seem to cycle through the same stock of photographs. 

The central core of a spanking story is the set up, execution and aftermath of one or more spankings.   To make the set up credible, we may need to provide background structure and believable motives.   Once we have got the miscreant spankee ready, the whopping itself rarely causes us problems.   And if the set up is believable and the spanking effective, the aftermath is often written on wordsmith auto-pilot, if you get my drift.

So - pick a photo that in some way intrigues you:  and try to explain what is happening.   Whose bottom is that?   And why is it getting whopped in that particular manner?   Work backwards to the events immediately prior to the spanking, and then backwards from there to how the whole think got set up in the first place.   One of my favorite characters - Megan - first saw the light of day by me using this exact process.

And sometimes the photo doesn't even have to be about spanking to set you off.   I once saw an ancient black and white photo of a uniformed young woman escorting a blond nude to some (off screen) location.   And in trying to explain to myself what might be going on, a whole novella about a Russian serf mixing it with cossacks and aristocrats rose out of the mist.   Ironically, the scene in the photo didn't actually happen in the tale - a more informal whopping took its place.

I suppose using photos  is a variation of "one picture is worth a thousand words."   So - there's a picture - now go and provide the thousand words it is equal to.

Another useful technique is to re-read your own old stuff.   This sometimes sets off a fresh line worthy of expending composition time over.  Mainly, I find, for adding extra episodes to a series of short stories - but - hey - if you have spanko block, getting it broken is the first order of business.

Personally, I find reading other spanking authors' works is extremely counter-productive as a source of inspiration:  as is watching videos.    For me, those avenues lead into the deadest of dead ends for inspiring creative thoughts.   Great entertainment, mind you:  just lousy for drumming up fresh thoughts of one's own.   For me, that is - if it works for you, more power to your key strokes!

Now I suggest you should trot over to the Incessantly Spanked blog for a different take on the letter "I"...

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