Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Spanking by Remote Control

I shall return to the general aspects of automated spankings in a later post.   I thought today you might to want to share in one aspect of spanking machines: operating one from a long distance.

As far as I know, four different spanking machines have been constructed in modern times - three for commercial sale for private use, and one as a prop by a company that produces spanking videos: under various production names including the famed "Pain4Fem"..

Of the three that are available for sale to the general public, today we shall just look at how one of them gets turned into a long distance disciple machine:  the Spank-O-Matic II and its close twin, the Lite version of it.   For now, I shall refer to either interchangeably as the "SOM"

With a SOM, the machine that actually the delivers the spanks can be controlled by using a hand held remote controller, or by plugging it into a PC or laptop.   And when plugged in to a PC, the whacks can be issued from a control screen on the computer, or from a pre-set set of instructions.   Let us call the PC or laptop attached to the spanking machine by a USB cable the "local" computer.

Here's the trick - a second computer (the "remote" computer) can be connected to the local computer over the internet, and a person sitting at the remote computer can deliver instructions to the local computer as if the remote computer had access to the local computer's control screen,

That is, if your partner is in a position to get spanked from a machine attached to a local computer, you at the remote computer can decide how many, how quickly and how strongly the spanking machine will deliver its strokes.   And that is true if you are sitting in the next room, or if half way across the globe,

Even if you do not have a spanking partner with a local machine, you can try out the software to visualize how it would work in practice.   Free of charge.

You go to the SOM site where you can dowload two pieces of software needed to make remote controlled spankings a reality,   The first delivers a library of drivers and software under the generic title of Phidgets:  they give your computer the ability to send data to a second computer, provided that both have some compatible computer transmission software as well.

And the second download gets you a functioning copy of the SOM control panel.   Unless you are the local machine, most of the screens are academic.   But one screen is the actual SOM II manual control panel.   When it is on your screen, you can enter the IP address, and the local machine password to be sent over the internet to the local version of the same software.   If both id and password are correct, then your (remote) computer now has the control of the spanking machine attached to the other (local) computer.

Both downloads are free, so you can set the system up and play with it to get used to how it works, and what it is doing to your pretend partner.   Until some day you connect with an online user who actually has a SOM attached to their local machine.    And your role play will have taken on a whole new dimension.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Z is for Zane Grey

Some authors write mainstream fiction which sometimes carries one or more hints of a strong interest in spanking.   Zane Grey neatly fits into this bill.   His genre was Westerns - indeed some of his work is considered to be pot-boiler Westerns.   But sometimes his keen interest in all things spanking would shine through.   Usually to ambiguous references:  one of his heroines complained that after meeting the hero she had gotten black and blue mark in places she could not show.    The reader was left to draw their own conclusions - and if the reader was you or me, we would get it in one,

In his book "The Water Hole", his heroine actually goes across someone's knee for a spanking:  a scene that was the major publicity shot for a movie made out of the work.   (She hated being spanked, but found that it deepened her feelings towards the man:  a bit lame, but Zane was pretending that he was vanilla).

Robert Heinlein was foremost a sci-fi author but his works are so peppered with spanking references that he was clearly one of us.   He confused his vanilla readership by having a lady have an unexpected orgasm during her spanking, without giving any hint of why it had happened - or, more to the point, why he had included it as an unexpected element to the scene.

Enid Blyton was famous in England for her children's stories which had naughty fairies and naughty children often on the receiving end of more than one painful whack.    At the time, virtually all kid's reading material was built around kids who could and would get whacked from time to time:  so it was not so surprising that she followed suit.   What is a little disturbing are the accounts that she took her relish over into real life, and routinely took a hairbrush to the backsides of her two teenage step-daughters.

But for some reason, the heyday of fiction which also had one or more (unexpected) spankings is over.   In the 1970's and 1980's, even the alpha male heroes of Harlequin romances routine walloped the rumps of their true loves.    And then the mother lode ran dry.    There is probably a PhD for the person who can adequately explain why spankings turned from mainstream to suppressed quirk in such a short space of time.

But with out help, we can perhaps push the pendulum back.   All we have to do is write best sellers in which spankings are not the only purpose of the book.    Hmmm.    Put like that, it might not be such an easy task, after all.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Y is for Yachts

Well, yachts, dinghies and all sorts of other craft that float or sail out in the deep blue seas.

The link between spanking fiction and the maritime is varied and inevitable.

At the very basic, a yacht has a great big mast to tie the insolent whelp's wrists to, and a whole stack of ropes, bits of wood etc etc to utilize as a spanking implement.   Furthermore, mutiny at sea has always needed to be firmly quelled, and what better way of quelling an attempted mutiny by a teenage daughter than giving her a damn-good whacking?

The sea is a big and lonely place.   A place where instant justice was often the norm, and keeping good order was of paramount importance to the safety of the entire crew.  And even today, there are regular real life reports of spankings taking place on cruise ships around the globe.   (Not as much as takes place in spanking fiction, but at least we authors can point to clippings to rebut any claim that we are out of our minds to dream up such fantastic tales).

In reading the works of others, I guess I have come across a dozen variations of why some beautiful young woman is tied to the rigging on a pirate ship, to have her bare backside blistered with one form of nautical whip or another.   A scene repeated (in fiction) so often, it must have a deep meaning for both writer and reader.

The things that really happened at sea can inspire some fine tales.   But one must take care.   Females on convict ships en route to penal colonies got beaten so savagely that to recount it would be more likely to be a turn-off than a turn-on.   Turning it all down a notch or two is permissible, and since it is your story, who is to argue that what you describe is not what actually happened.

And the boat does not have to be the central prop of a tale - just a necessary element.   This tale was written as an entry to a challenge to explain why a lime green dinghy was moored at a dock.   As was this one.   My entries were very light weight.   Enjoy.

Friday, June 26, 2015

X is for Xmas

Christmas is rich in its traditions of spankings and its opportunities to invent new traditions.

In olden times, a child did not know until Christmas morning whether the afternoon would be spent playing with presents or nursing a freshly birched bottom.   Saint Nickolaus had no qualms in delivering a fresh birch rod to the parents of children whose behavior warranted one or more good hidings to even up the score.

And so, in some circles, Santa Claus (a modern-day corruption of the name Saint Nickolaus) is quite willing to dish out instant justice - especially to scantily dressed young ladies.    It is mainly in the visual arts that we are treated to the sight of a pair of feminine buttocks being paddled to become as red as Santa's robe:  it is rare to find a spanking fiction author to portray this particular scene except as a satirical parody.

Christmas comes with its own built in vibrancy.   And in only a slightly different manner, spankings come with their own built in vibrancy.   It is no wonder we authors find so many ways of combining the two.

There are a number of plot structures we can use to show that an Christmas spanking is not that out of the question.    Teenagers often get access to alcohol on Xmas Eve, which leads to all sorts of reasons why one or more might find mom or dad belaboring their backsides for conduct unbecoming during a religious holiday.    There are a stack of reasons why over-excited people might do something silly, and in spanking fiction, there is only one outcome for somebody who has done something that is considered to be "too" silly.

In fact, we fiction authors may be able to generate a new tradition of Christmas Spanking to supplement the wonderful work we have done to make the Birthday Spanking part and parcel of our modern culture, vanillas included.    If we can get everyone to link spankings with happy times, our need for secrecy will surely abate.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

W is for Waiting

There is a sub-set of spankos who find the idea of corner time to be quite delicious.   Having whacked a butt until it is extremely tingly, the culprit is made to stand still, possibly in a corner but not necessarily, to contemplate further their misdeeds, with a very stern warning not to massage any relief into their punished backsides.   A hands-on-head stance adds to the emotions of the ordeal.

But clearly not everyone is of a like mind over this.   In fiction, as probably in real life, once the paddling is over, it might well be a time for cuddles of varying degrees of intensity that could lead to all sorts of romantic or erotic activity, now such a blazing fire has been lit.

But it is not that sort of waiting I wanted to discuss with you today.   There is a time lag between the spanker deciding a spanking is going to take place, and the spankee feeling the first swat to the rump.

And we fiction writers can use that gap to good effect.    At the simplest level, we can describe the reaction of someone who realizes that in the next couple of seconds or so, they are going to be subjected to some form of instant justice.   This might range from annoyance through to an unexpected thrill of anticipation, or to some degree of desire to put as much distance as possible between self and deranged disciplinarian with evil intent to inflict damage to the nether regions.   It is our choice.

Far more complex possibilities arise when there is a significant period between sentence being pronounced and the deed being carried out.    Many who recounted real life instances of genuine corporal punishment agree that the agony of waiting is often worse than the beating itself.   Six of the best do not necessarily have to result in uncontrolled agony - but for a first timer, waiting half a day or more for them to be delivered could prove to be a subtle and sublime torture.

This is because it can happen that a chemistry occurs between paddler-to-be and paddled-to-be during the waiting time.   A chemistry that can give the author the opportunity to explore what is going on inside their two respective heads.

On the other hand, as authors, we can blandly state that the victim had to wait some specified time - as part an parcel of the ritual - and let our readers fill in the missing detail with their own imaginations.    You do not have to say that waiting outside the headmaster's study for half an hour was hell:  everyone knows that it must have been.   Sometimes letting the readers' personal demons do our work is the most effective way of inducing a chilling reaction to a future event.

It is worth noting that, in general, the shorter the wait, the more intense it is.   The split second between told you are acting like a child and being face down across a lap probably is of a higher emotional pitch than being told you will be beaten at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon.    The longer the delay, the less intense the wait.   Putting the moment of reckoning off for a week or more dilutes the waiting time to nothing more than a matter of endurance.

Recognize the time lag your tale has created - decide how you are going to use it - and, if it adds to the experience,  make the most of this golden opportunity to get into the head of your characters.   Or into the heads of your readers.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

V is for Vanilla

We spankos call non-spankos Vanilla on the grounds that they are bland souls who do not appreciate the finer nuances of the human experience.   But we respect their odd stance and it would be a very rare event for a spanko to set out to recruit a Vanilla to join our ranks.   "Never give hot spice to those addicted to vanilla ice cream" sums up our live and let-live attitude.

But we are afraid of them, for they clearly outnumber us and majorities have a reputation of being quite nasty to minorities, simply on the grounds that they are minorities.  When responding to spanking surveys, over 75% of us say that our spanking side is a very closely kept secret.   And when asked what Vanillas think of us, 40% of us think that Vanillas look on us as perverts who are a potential danger to children.   (No wonder we keep it a secret, if that is what we think).

Well, 50 people who identified themselves as being Vanilla took part in a spanking survey to tell us what they really think of us.   Here are the responses to that survey:

1.       Are you male or female
Male                 22
Female             24
Prefer not to say 4
2.       How old are you?

Under 30                    13
Between 30 and 40      2
Between 40 and 50      2
Over 50                       5
          Prefer not say            28

3.       Were you spanked as a child?

         Never                            3
         Rarely                          18
         Often                             8
         Very often                     6
Abusively                     1
Prefer not to say         16

4.      If you were to guess, how often do you think spankos were spanked as children

         Never                         0
         Rarely                       6
         Often                      16
         Very Often              12
         Abusively                 8
         Cannot Guess           8

5.     In general, which of the following statements do you believe to be true?

        I cannot understand spankos                           5
        They tend to be very nice people                  15
        They are perverts                                             1
        They need medical or pschr treatment             1
        They are harmless                                          18
        They are a danger to children                           1
        They are like everyone else                            25
         They are fun people                                         3
         Consensual activity between adults is OK     39

So, with one exception, vanillas do not see us as perverts in need of medical treatment.   And I mean one exception, for all three negatives came from the the same person,   Which, on the whole, should be some comfort to us all.

And having said that we spankos believe that you should not serve hot spice to those addicted to vanilla icecream, one of my colleagues points out that there are almost an infinite number of more subtle flavors inbetween that might be worth exploring.

    Tuesday, June 23, 2015

    U is for Uniform

    Uniforms are very popular in the spanko community.   The very wearing of a uniform can, in itself, give reason for a punishment to take place and spell out the proper ritual to be followed in delivering that punishment.   When a willing victim dons a uniform, then a pretense that the punishment has become non-consensual is also donned.

    There is something almost surreally erotic in seeing a naked young woman touching her toes to accept several strokes of the cane across the bare bottom she is offering for such treatment.   That a few minutes earlier she was dressed in the uniform of a sixth-form school girl adds an extra veneer to a ritual that resonates with most apankos.

    When we spanking fiction authors put our characters into uniform, a sort of contract comes into effect between us and our readers that when the spanking arrives, it will be keeping with the uniform chosen.   A prison uniform will inevitably result in a bout of prison discipline and a school uniform in a trip to the headmaster's study - or similar - for six or more of the best delivered in a suitable method of chastising students in a school setting.   Should we want, say, a school girl to be on the receiving end of something harsher than school discipline, the reader is entitled to be given logical details of why such an event took place - even in a fictional setting.    If you want your Principal to have a dungeon below his office, you have got some explaining, in depth, to do.

    Historically, military uniforms are associated with specific types of corporal punishment.   It really was the practice of the British Royal Navy to use the cane on the bottoms of female cadets from the inception of the WRNS until the practice was formally abolished in 1958.    My tale "Over a Breach of Discipline" is based on an account given by an ex-Wren on what had really happened to her during her period of training.   

    Another delight of uniforms, for us authors, is that the identity of the wearer is hidden from view.   It is a very common plot element in spanking fiction to have a female disguised as a male, by wearing a uniform.   When she eventually gets her beating, it is delivered with the same force as would be delivered to a boy's backside, and the unstated implication is that it results in far greater pain than that usual given when a girl gets a whacking as a girl.    In fiction, as in real life, ladies are not expected to endure the same level of force that is inflicted upon menfolk.

    The girl dressed as boy is getting a little hackneyed, and a boy dressed as girl a little too twee for many of us - so do use cross-dressing with a degree of care.    (And the one where adults are role playing and it turns out - what a shocker - that the "school girl" is actually the male partner of the duo:  well that one has been done to death.    You will need more than the shock ending to successfully use that artifact again successfully - at least, for most readers of our genre.)

    Uniforms can give a story form, natural flow, and be both easier on the keyboard to write and easier on the eyes to read.    Consider - you are contemplating a new tale and start off with a mental image of a six-form girl tied to a horizontal T-Frame, awaiting to be punished.   Answer the questions of how and why she is so bound, and describe what then happens to her defenseless bottom and you have over half of your story completed.   That is a very solid start to writing your next eagerly awaited piece of spanking fiction.

    Monday, June 22, 2015

    T is for T-frame

    A T-frame is constructed by using a solid wooden post as the up right, and attaching to it a cross beam so that the finished assembly looks something like a giant letter "T".   T-Frames were used extensively in Europe and the Americas as whipping frames in the 19th Century.

    Early whipping posts where constructed from having a single pole erected upright, the top far higher than any person's wrists (when held upright, extended over the head).   But some genius spotted that by tying the victim to a T-frame, arms extended outwards(as opposed to over the head arms) flattened and squared the back, giving a better target for the lash.  And as an added bonus, should the sentence be half the strokes across the back and half across the buttocks, the person so sentenced was perfectly positioned to receive all of them in one uninterrupted session.

    As far as I can ascertain, a T-frame lying horizontal to the ground, on trestles or similar, never made it to institutions of corporal punishment.   (The upright T-Frame had, but it was solely for punishment).   The horizontal T-Frame has made its appearance in videos, fiction and custom spanking furniture - for it makes the victim vulnerable to other forms of "abuse".

    From adopting the real life T-frame to the spanking scene, it was almost inevitable that X-frame would make its appearance.   Wood slats are constructed to make a frame that looks line the letter "X" and now we have four securing points - two for the wrists and two for the ankles.   And a nice narrow bit for wrapping some securing material around the waist and the frame.   A spread-eagled securely secured naked penitent can be dealt with in anyway that comes to mind, and has become a staple of a certain class of disciplinary scene in which pain may be followed by sexual activity.   The X-frame never made any sort of appearance in real life, but turns up regularly in fiction.

    As writers of spanking fiction, we can create spanking benches and whipping frames out of just about anything.   We can dream up of a tree of exactly the right height so that it becomes a substitute for a Y-frame.   With a little bit of misdirection, an overturned wheelbarrow can be put into use as a spanking bench.   And so on.

    We might need an excessive amount of description to explain an out of the ordinary spanking implement (as discussed in Q is for Quirt), but when it comes to the furniture used to secure the miscreant, we have a far easier time of it.    And having an unusual spanking bench not only might give a tale a new twist, it can be instrumental in the whole set up the entire piece.    If you are struggling to start a new tale then you might want to try the technique of identifying some unusual spanking bench.   Work backwards to show how it came to be used, and you will be well on the way to fleshing out the finished piece.

    Sunday, June 21, 2015

    S is for Stuffing

    In real life, spanking play often starts with a fully clothed bottom getting slapped with the hand, then a partially clothed one, then a bare one and then the implements are brought into play, to turn an already reddened backside into full glorious technicolor.    In order for the partner to withstand repeated hard swats from a paddle, the flesh needs to be warmed up first to get it, and its owners psyche, ready for more stringent attention.

    I have not witnessed very many real life discipline sessions, but by all accounts, the penitent does not have a lengthy warm up period before the disciplinarian gets down to business.   They tend to be more of a touch your toes, instant agony, punishment over sort of regimen.

    So why do video producers and some spanking fiction authors have miscreants go through a series of increasingly painful encounters, all in the name of discipline?   In a word - stuffing. 

    A video producer would like to produce an hour (or so) video in order to maximize sales potential.   And to fill a full hour is not easy.   Even pain-fest Mood Pictures find that one of their floggings is completed in about five minutes.   So - directorial choices.   We can have a small cast beaten often, or a large cast each beaten once.    The first option is relatively cheaper, the second more fragmented.

    Let us make up a theoretical script for a large cast.   A dozen "schoolgirls"  each get a classroom paddling and two or three of them "confess" and get sent to the headmaster for a caning.   Well, allowing some time to get into and out of spanking position, we will have generated about 25 minutes of spanking action.   For a one hour film.    To make it last an hour, we need about 35 minutes of stuffing to pad it all out.  So we need to stuff 25 minutes of non-spanking material into it to bring it up to the required run time.

    About the first half of the masterpiece "South American Vacation" is stuffing in which the oddest and really bizarre court case is portrayed in order to set up the whackings to come.    It does not particularly add much in quality (a 3 minute edited highlight would have worked just as well) but it gets us to use up enough time to qualify the production as "a full length" work.   (Incidentally, rumor as it that the first two recipients of a caning in that film - a mere 10 strokes each - were volunteer vanillas so the producer could show how such discipline affects those not into a pain for pleasure foible).

    When we have just one or two victims on the receiving end, it is inevitable that they are going to receive several spankings.   First across the knee, in stages as clothing is removed and then bending to get various implements of increasing severity, ending with the cane,   Perhaps half an hour of spanking action.   In order to fill the rest of the allotted time, directors have the spanker take time out to lecture, to grope. to examine the effects of the beating on the bottom, to tap excessively, to shout abuse between strokes:  to do anything, but anything, to wind the clock down a few more minutes.    Which is why most discipline videos give the viewer a sense of shocked disbelief that this is how the cast really thinks schoolmasters go about whacking errant schoolgirls.

    Since  we fiction writers are not recording the action with a camera, we have an easier time of it.   When it comes to the written word, there is no expectation for us to provide a minimum number of words for any one piece.

    Should we spend a lot of time viewing videos of a spanking nature (aka "conducting research"), we may get beguiled into thinking that the video producers have a deep insight into what a spanko audience wants to watch.   And by inference want to read.   It is not impossible to think that videos represent the accepted "correct" attitude towards portraying spanking action and try to mimic video scripting within our tales.

    Which is why we occasionally come across a short story which has as much stuffing as one of those really bizarre "English" discipline classics.    May I offer you counsel?   Please leave stuffing to video productions and make your tales, sharp, crisp and a joy to read.   I for one would find that to be a better read, and from the chat boards, I am not in the minority.

    Friday, June 19, 2015

    R is for Reviews

    One of the stocks in trade for all authors are the Reviews their works get.   But we spanko authors have an additional handicap when it comes to getting reviews.  I shall explain.

    The perceived wisdom of the authorship world is that it takes about 750 readers to generate one review.    _(Which means that newly minted works that arrive with half a dozen glowing reviews are treated by all with considerable skepticism).

    The work of a promotions department at a publishing house is to bring attention to new works by such means as having the author go on a lecture circuit, send promotional copies to professional reviewers and use social media to get the title in front of potential readers' eyes.    The more people who read a book, the more likely there will be reviews and the more reviews - even mildly unfavorable ones - the more sales the book will likely get.

    For most of us writing spanking fiction, the thought of going on a speaking tour is a double disaster:  for not only would you be expected to stand up and speak in front of strangers, you would also reveal to them from the get go your most private and carefully hidden secret - that you are into spanking.   While there have been some very brave souls who have outed themselves, none with any sort of set back - but having kept it secret for ten, twenty or even thirty years, few of the rest of us can face the prospect of standing up in a lecture hall brandishing a sign that reads "I am a Spanko!"

    For the self same reason - the preservation of our most cherished secret - we never use social media that is likely to get into the hands of our family circle/   Yeah, they have a pretty shrewd idea what makes us tick - but we refrain from shouting it from the roof tops.  Discretion and all that.

    So we sit and pray that people will review our books of their own accord.   But now another snag:  our readers are virtually all spankos - and they are afflicted with the same desire to stay in the shadows that we ourselves have.   While the average book may take 750 sales to generate a review, I have personal experience that suggest spanking fiction takes four or five times that number to get each review.    No matter how unlikely a reverse search may find the author of a review, not making one eliminates any possibility of the real identity of a reviewer being discovered.

    So - dear reader - we have yet another solid reason why we should march arm in arm down the high street in the spanko equivalent of a Pride March - so that the world is aware of our foibles, we can also face the world back without feeling that we are doomed to disaster by telling it who we are.

    I know deep down that will never happen.  So - do tell - what is your rational for keeping your spanking secret hidden from sight?