Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Suffer not the children

I shall try to make this post as squirm free as possible, for we spankos - in the main - hate talking about children and spanking at the same time.   Partly, I think, because one of the reasons we keep quiet about our somewhat private trait is because we have a suspicion that we might be seen, by others, as being a danger to youngsters.   A false belief, perhaps, but one that makes us err on the side of caution. 

As a group, spankos are generally opposed to children getting spanked at home or at school  In recent surveys 91% stated that they are against unrestricted school corporal punishment, and 65% think parents should rarely or never wallop their kids.   Other polls indicate that, in general, that only 33% of the  U.S. population is opposed to kids getting spanked.

Is there some sort of defensive self-preservation at play here?   A sort of "I hate the idea of anyone hitting kids - even by adults who have legal justification - so you don't have to worry about me" tactic.   Possibly, but I think we spankos have an inside scoop.

When we were kids ourselves, we hated getting spanked.   Really, really hated it.   But for 75% of us, thinking about spankings caused us a total baffling tingle of pleasure.   Spanking with no pain for us was a secret delight - a spanking that involved personal pain was to be avoided at all costs.  Except possibly the very mild swats that came when playing games like "school" or "mommies and daddies" - games that vanillas played as well, with equal childish glee.

We get our kick, as adults, from consensual spanking activity.   In fiction, it is OK for adults to get whacked against their will, but not in real life.   It is part of our make up, that real-life spankings of an unwilling victim is most unsatisfactory: even though sometimes pretending that it she - or he - is getting whaled without giving consent can add an edge to the frolic.

So, we know from personal experience that kids - even spanko kids - seldom, if ever, wish to experience a good hiding.    Therefore, we have no personal wish to spank kids.   Therefore, we have no wish for anyone else to spank children either.


1 comment:

  1. David S Holly, is a 100% percent his excellent essay on the subject matter of spankings for CONSENTING ADULTS ONLY.
