Thursday, May 15, 2014

From book to screen - Game of Thrones

The HBO adaption of Game of Thrones into a magnificent bodice-ripper reveals - at least to this spanko - an odd frame of mind when mainstream media deals with smacked bottoms.

In the TV series, Prince Joffrey is "given" two prostitutes as a namesday present.    Instead of bedding them, he gets one to beat the others backside with increasing ferocity until she screams.   Very dark, very sadistic,

In the book, Ayra Stark gets spanked by Yoren (for inflicing harm on another) that makes it difficult for her to sit down for a couple of days, and by Weese so routinely that when given the chance, she had him assassinated.

The prostitute spanking never happened in the books, and the Ayra spankings never happen in the TV series - to such an extent that some other character gets assassinated in place of Weese.

And that shows that mainstream media is still not quite at home with The Thing That We Do.

Why introduce the prostitute beating?   It was to show just how sadistic Prince Joffrey is, and how we should really like to see him end up with his head on the sharp end of a pikestaff.

On the other hand, Ayra (in the book) is a 9 year old tom boy who takes adversity in her stride.

Therefore, it is OK to see adult women being subjected to non-consensual beatings, but not a young girl being subjected to corporal punishment.   In the case of Ayra, not even mentioning such corporal punishment in a piece of dialog - so that the screen version could have remained true to the text without unseemly child violence of a spanking nature.

This seems to suggest that some script writers still look on spankings as prurient activities, to titillate the more base instincts in those who read, say, 50 shades.   Therefore spanking prostitutes fills the bill nicely, and spanking a 9 year old girl is clearly an incitement to pedophilia, or something equally abhorrent.

I think it would do most scripting teams the world of good for them to add a genuine spanko to the crew when deciding what spanking scenes are appropriate for the public at large. A win-win option, I'm pretty sure you will agree,

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