Friday, July 24, 2015

Feeling guilty

Some spankos feel guilty - not because they have been caught red handed and know what is going to happen to them - but about being spankos.

When one part of society points at a different part of society with a different world view, the part pointed at can be made to suffer in all sorts of unhealthy ways.

A classic example - even in today's enlightened society - is the way groups of heterosexuals treat homosexuals.   Largely based on misreading holy scripture, some religions tell gays that they are willfully sinning against God, and will spend all eternity screaming in hell fire for making the wrong choice.   (This is not the blog for discussing this at length - but if the word "eloah" really, really meant "Abomination" (which it doesn't), the modern meaning of abomination was given in the 13th century.    Whatever the ancients meant when they scribed that what might possibly be described as a homosexual act, it was eloah, they were not talking in the words of Roman Catholic homophobes).

Anyway, the conservative religions have dumped so much guilt onto teenage homosexuals, that a counter group has been set up to reduce the number of suicides among teenage gays.   Honest - if you want more detail, Google for "It gets better" and you will see what the good guys are doing to reduced one harmful effect of not understanding scripture.

Back to spanking.

One topic that turns up pretty regularly on self help psychological forums is a request from someone on how to "get rid" of a spanking fetish.   The reason why spankings have become part of the sex drive vary - but almost always hark back to childhood spankings - but instead of healthy acceptance to embrace the foible, the writer wallows in the guilt of having such "unnatural" desires.   Fellow writers (who seem to have no formal training in psychology advise "ignore it and it will go away" strategies.   All very sad.

SSC spankings between adults is quite delightful and - apart from some mild bruising - does not damage the participants in any manner that should cause alarm.

I think we are seeing a spill over from the anti-spanking brigade.   Those fanatics are so self assured that no good can ever come from swatting a child - despite all the evidence to the contrary - that their propaganda has spilled over into the area of what makes the "correct" set of sexual preferences.

It behooves us all to try to engender the notion that being a spanko is no cause for shame.   The problem is, I guess, the vast majority have secrecy ingrained into us, that even talking about it is a task that simply cannot happen.

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