Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Another spanking survey

The next spanking survey is under construction.

It attempts to quantify exactly what it is that the average spanko does to fulfill the foible, and tries to identify any differences between those activities dependent upon how far either side of puberty the spanking interest developed.

Every single facet of the survey will be as anonymous as possible.   The software itself does not know who took part by any traceable  method known to computer forensics, and the questions themselves are not tied in any way to the respondent.

I would like to know if you - yes you, dear reader - would like to suggest a question to be included in the survey.    If you do - and you want to be anonymous - simply use my contact form and use a fictitious email address.   There is no internal gadget to test the validity of the email address you use, only that it is correctly formatted.    Nottellingyou@nowhere,com works quite fine, even if email sent to that address will never get delivered.   (You can use a real one if you want to enter into a conversation with me, but I promise I never ever get cross with people who use false names and addresses).

I would hope to launch the survey early next month.   So if you have a suggestion, please do send it soon.

No butt about it

I mentioned recently that most humans, spankos included, are quite shy in respect of all matters in respect of our own anus.   That we each have one, in most polite conversations, is avoided even more avidly than any topic that might reveal to our stunned listeners that we can get turned on by spankings.

Reading about them is relatively OK - because reading is a very private affair.   And perhaps espying one in a spanking video might be quite acceptable for the same reason.   Indeed, more than one spanking video actually depicts the pain being delivered directly to the victim's anus:  which was no turnoff for the victims depicted in those videos.

Fascination with the anus is not a spanko trait.   There are a number of case studies reporting that some vanilla females can only achieve orgasm by way of anal sex:  and not because they are over the top kinky.

In male anatomy, the prostrate gland lies within the colon, and inch or so from the anus.   The prostate gland, among other functions, sets of the erection and massaging the gland is one way to ensure a long lasting one.

In the female anatomy, the vagina and the anus are interconnected by so many different nerve paths, the family of them are grouped together under the term pudendal nerve, which is not a singularity, but a network.

It has been suggested that spankos who pick up the fascination when very young, do so because of those two factors.   A boy contracting his buttocks gives some pressure to a (as yet) switched off gland and it sends a "meaningless" pleasure signal to the brain.   Likewise a girl contracting her buttocks causes her vagina to send a similar not understood pleasure signal to the brain.

The pleasure comes from sex circuits that will not be activated until puberty, leaving the child in total disbelief that the thought of pain can be so pleasing.

When we are grown up (ie past puberty) then the connection between anus and sex organs is more clear to us.   And those connections lead to all sorts of activities in which anal stimulation is part of the sex act itself.   Even unto a cane whacking it with enough force to give a mild pain sensation.

So perhaps you can now see that those ladies who can only get an orgasm from anal sex are not some sort of freaks:  it is just that their body chemistry relies more strongly on the way our anatomy is built than others.

What can we take away from all this as spanking authors.   The inclusion of some acts that involve the anus are more likely to increase our reader's pleasure than turn them off.   As always, plot motivation and style of writing are more important than the clinical detail.

Provided, as always, the activity is taking place between consenting adults in a safe and sane way.

If  writing about a non consensual spanking simply describes abuse, you really need to get to terms that writing about non-consensual anal play amounts to a very ugly form of pornography.   By my way of thinking, that is.

Monday, July 27, 2015

A tricky method

One of the joys of being a fiction author is that we can devise devices of utmost cunning without ever having to show that they would work in real life/

Before the Robo-Spanker and Spank-O-Matic machines hit the market, many a spanking author had used automated devices as implements of punishment and/or erotica without once having to file patents for a real life marvelous invention,.   One could write, say, "as the crank shaft rotated the paddle swung back and forth with precise and vicious efficiency".   That such a contraption could not possibly work was irrelevant - for our reader cared little about the mechanism itself, but the relentless pounding it was delivering to a bottom that truly deserved such rigorous treatment.  All the downside of the invention was set aside under the doctrine of "willing suspension of disbelief" for the promise of an upside of delightful consequences.

We really can get away with almost anything in the world of fiction.   Take nettles.   Delightful plants in the fact they can inflict a sting well on par with just about any implement that might come to a spanker's hand.   But - oh! - the complications.

They need to be quite fresh - old stale bunches are as useful as a bundle of wet noodles when it comes to inflicting a smartness intended to awaken the senses totally.   Also, the sting only gets injected on light taps - grasp a nettle leaf firmly and it will not hurt one little bit.   And we ought to take into account the stems are so soft and floppy as to make them very awkward to use..

But in fiction, we need not take time out to consider why something should not work - only how we can get it to work by making everything come out without mishap.

Pulling a bunch of nettles out of the ground to whack against a bare bottom perched atop our knee would, if you ever tried it, present all sorts of practical problems - from keeping the leaves well away from our own delicate areas, to applying swats lightly enough to draw a howl.   And so on.

Well, we writers just tell the reader that it worked out perfectly, and they will rejoice in the thoughts of  the results of such wonderful improvisation and not start cat-calling and jeering at just how impractical it all is.

You decide that the ordeal will take place in the open air?   No problem - give your hero a huge mansion, a desert island or, if everything else fails, the luck of the devil, and no-one who should not will not come running at the sounds of her yells and her cries for mercy, for pity's sake.    Really fresh leaves suggest the nettles are still firmly in the soil.   No problem, your hero uses a handy hoist coincidentally located just where it needs to be so that with her srists and ankles secured to its hook, she can be lowered, bare buttocks first ,\\, into the awaiting jaws of stinging foliage.

I suspect that when we take such huge leaps of fancy, we should append a warning tag like they do to most TV adverts in which cars are pushed to the limits of their automotive prowess - you know the sort of thing "Professional driver on closed circuit - do not try at home."    If your hero lowers your heroine butt first into a nettle patch, you might consider appending a not dissimilar warning to your epic masterpiece.

Playing away from home

We marry our partners because not marrying them would be the worse thing that could happen in our lives.  In general - I suppose there are still some marriages of convenience, but in this modern age so few as to be left out of the equation.   Being free agents, we enter into marriage because of all that our partner brings to complete the partnership, and regardless of any defects and faults that may be in the offing.

Which is why, for a number of reasons, we spankos end up marrying partners who are totally and rigorously committed to the vanilla side of the equation.   Should they be coaxed into experimentation - and often we don't even bother trying any such coaxing - the experiment is so clearly a disaster, it is never tried a second time.

We accept that our soul mate is not into spanking, and that means there will be no spankings within the marrage.

But what about outside it?   At what point does fulfilling a fetish stop being innocent entertainment and conduct that counts as infidelity?

Morality is not easy.   Despite the attempts of the ancients to instill a unified code of correct conduct for human beings, morality is still a very personal scale of what is wrong and what is right.   Most of us agree, even if only from a passing nod to the Golden Rule, that stealing is wrong.   But any Tax Inspector will tell you that it is estimated that over 90% of tax returns show a liability to taxation than a more "correct" application of the tax code would have resulted in.   And I am talking about blatant inflation of allowable expenses or reduction in declared income to achieve a lower taxation burden.   As it is almost universal that you do not steal a widow's wedding ring for personal gain, telling lies on your tax return is fair game.

So - having a spanking partner outside of marriage.   If you follow a Calvinistic or Puritanical way of thinking, you are definitely in breach of your marriage vows.   And if not, the justification for satisfying your personal needs gets easier and easier the futher away you move from such arbitrary ways of thinking.  Unless your relationship is so open, that the two of you have come to some understanding of what, and what is not, permitted and permissible.  But since forgiveness is often easier to get than permission, perhaps the matter has not yet been broached.

In the absences of such an understanding, the first question to ask is whether your partner actually knows of your interest in spanking.   The nearer the answer to that is "yes", the less deceipt that is likely to be in play.   Second, if your partner caught you in the act, how angry would that partner be?   The more certain the act would be forgiven and forgotten immediately, not only the less likely you deed would be seen as an infidelity, the less need you ought to have from keeping it a secret.

As one of my vanilla partners said "I don;\'t care where the hell you get your appetite from, provided that you always eat at home."    Now, should you be -unlike me - one of those whose spanking activity invariably leads to an erotic episode with your spanking partner:  well, perhaps marrying a vanilla was not the best decision you have ever made in your life.   But you knew that without me being so tactless as to remind you of the fact,

In all things marital, we constantly interface with people outside the marital bond:  I think both partners are entitled that the other do nothing in any of those interactions what would  be seriously upsetting.   For, to be quite candid, I would be seriously ticked off with my better half if I discovered she was indulging in her secret desires with some third party because she was too shy to tell me about her need for such indulgences,   And under the sauce for the goose precept -  knowing that keeps me within the clear and understood rules that my partner and I  live our personal lives by,

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sleep perchace to dream

From somewhat limited discussions on the topic, spankings rarely turn up in the dreams of spankophiles, and when they do, the dreamlike qualities of dreams make such spankings quite unrealistic.

The first problem comes from the way dreams actually get processed by the somnolent brain - a repeat of the same event turns out differently the second time.   If, in a dream you go out of a room and return back into the same room, the room will have changed substantially during the few dream moments you were outside of it.   This is not some oddity, it is the way in which dreams work.   Suppose you were able to look closely at the back of your dream hand while dreaming:  it would not look like the one you see during the day:  the dream one would be an almost fluidlike surface, constantly changing in pattern as you look at it.

And there are at least two huge problems with dream spankings.   A dream arm cannot "move" through the air at the same speed as a real life one.   If you carry out a spanking, it will be delivered in slow motion by a leaden arm.   A similar sensation is also felt when you try to run:  your dream legs cannot move as quickly as real life ones, and you will experience "lead-legs".

Furthermore, it is nearly impossible to feel pain in a dream, except as an echo of a real pain the body is experiencing at the time.   If you go to bed with an un-spanked bottom, no dream can give it any sort of realistic tingle.   If your butt should be freshly spanked, then your dream might possibly reflect an existing pain sensation, even though it cannot create a new one.  

The personal dynamics of a dream spanking can easily reflect your conflicted attitude towards your own interest in spanking.   If, like the vast majority of us, your liking for spankings is a closely kept secret, letting the cat out of the bag in a dream is just as difficult as if it were to occur in real life.  The horror of those people you know - who have turned up in your dream - learning your secret might be so strong as to wake you up as efficiently has having had a more traditional nightmare.

In sum, dream spankings rarely bring any deep pleasure to a spanko.   Once in a blue moon, you might experience one that was as good as watching an on line video.   Treasure the moment - it might be a long time before you get a repeat performance.

Fandom fiction

There is a sub-genre - virtually exclusively in the hands of amateur authors posting to free story sites - of using famous characters from TV, film or written work and using them in a tale. 

There are several levels of psychology going on:  particularly in the world of spanking fiction. 

The easiest one to understand is that the author does not have to spend any narrative on setting up who the characters are, and how they are supposed to interact.   If you should elect to have Hermione Granger subjected to corporal punishment by Professor Snape (a tale that really exists on one forum) you do not need to spend time on descriptions or motives.   Your fellow Harry Potter fans know exactly who these two are, and why Snape would wish to inflict grievous damage to Miss Granger's hind-quarters.   However, you need to keep the tale posted only to some rather obscure site - J.K. Rowling's legal team would have no problem in swinging into action if they had a case you were making profit from copyright infringement.

But if you are safe from legal jeopardy, then it is just a matter of tweaking these pre-set characters to react they way you want.   In Book One itself, Hermione (with good intentions) did set fire to Snape's cloak.   In your tale, you might add that she later discovers that the ancient student code of corporal punishment for students - who cause actual bodily harm to staff members - was not included in the re-write.  That student law is still valid, despite the intent to repeal it.   Being that sort of girl, she demands that Snape follow the rules exactly as written.   You could even give Professor Minerva McGonagall a serious frown as she warns Hermione that the pain will soon fade, but not the memory that Snape will have seen her bare bottom.   See how easy it is!

The second theme is that you can fantasize about just anybody, and make them do your bid and call within the confines of a fandom piece.   Perhaps you think that Haley's mother should have taken a hair brush to her rump before now.   Voila - in your tale that is exactly what happens.   And when you watch all future episodes of that TV comedy series, the relationship of those two onscreen figures will, in your mind, be tempered by that good hiding Mom once gave her teenage daughter.

For the readers of fandom fiction, their motivation is less obvious to me.   Full disclosure - I do not enjoy reading fandom fiction.   But I can make some guesses.   Once the book, film, series is over, then there will be no more from that source.   So it is just great that some other sources take over to explore what and how your favorite characters continue after the "official" media is done with them.   People go to, for example, a Harry Potter fandom site for the sheer delight of new thoughts and ideas being expounded - provided that all of them stay in role forever.    Try to explore Snape's feminine side, and you might find you have become most unpopular on the site.

So fandom fiction gives us rapid access to existing personae and lets them follow our script, provided they stay in their original roles.   A not total waste of time, but you should only write stuff for sharing it with fellow enthusiasts, and for free.    Having said that, if your piece gives you a fully fledged outline for a professional piece, all you have to do is rewrite it with brand new characters.   Granted, they will need fleshing out:  but all the hard work is already done.    For a wordsmith, this is going to be one of those easy-peasy assignments.

Friday, July 24, 2015

The bare truth

Pander me for a while while I take us through one of my own favorite experiences and themes for spanking fiction.   She is comfortably across my knee, skirt properly lifted, and is ready for her bottom to be turned from relaxed ease into one that has been well chastised.

A question worthy of exploring from a narrative point of view:  Who pulls down the panties?

A very short space of time for the act to take place, but so many delicious dynamics can come into play - particularly for written narrative or video.

If I simply pull down her panties, an aspect of my dominance has come into play, and if she does one of her submissiveness is in effect.  Either is pretty cool, depending on the circumstances and each has its own impact on heightening the ensuing pleasure.

Unless it is a discipline spanking and she does not want it to be on her bare bottom.   It goes without saying that if I have decided it will be on her naked bottom, then that is how it will happen - but we face a temporary act of defiance by her.

If I tell her to take down her panties and she flatly refuses, we have some sort of physical or psychological battle on our hands.   And, rankly, the only way of overcoming it is to give her enough pre-spanking spanks to make her change her mind.

On the other hand, if I try to pull down her panties and she twists and writhes in a vain attempt to halt the proceedings, at most she has only delayed the inevitable by a few seconds, and during that delay has repeatedly shown me just how soft and malleable her buttocks are.   Which is no bad thing.

So - in real life - a SSC spanking that may (but perhaps not) lead to a romp of a more erotic nature, telling her to pull down her panties as no downside and increases the amount of her submission to my authority.   And a punishment spanking almost demands that I assert my authority by pulling them down regardless of any protest.

In fiction, you may want to use this moment to clarify the respective roles of your two characters.   His act, or demand, says something about the authority he has over her,   And her compliance or rebellion something about her acceptance of that authority.

A ploy worth having in your back of tricks to flesh out the emotions and sensations swirling around a spanking scene.

Feeling guilty

Some spankos feel guilty - not because they have been caught red handed and know what is going to happen to them - but about being spankos.

When one part of society points at a different part of society with a different world view, the part pointed at can be made to suffer in all sorts of unhealthy ways.

A classic example - even in today's enlightened society - is the way groups of heterosexuals treat homosexuals.   Largely based on misreading holy scripture, some religions tell gays that they are willfully sinning against God, and will spend all eternity screaming in hell fire for making the wrong choice.   (This is not the blog for discussing this at length - but if the word "eloah" really, really meant "Abomination" (which it doesn't), the modern meaning of abomination was given in the 13th century.    Whatever the ancients meant when they scribed that what might possibly be described as a homosexual act, it was eloah, they were not talking in the words of Roman Catholic homophobes).

Anyway, the conservative religions have dumped so much guilt onto teenage homosexuals, that a counter group has been set up to reduce the number of suicides among teenage gays.   Honest - if you want more detail, Google for "It gets better" and you will see what the good guys are doing to reduced one harmful effect of not understanding scripture.

Back to spanking.

One topic that turns up pretty regularly on self help psychological forums is a request from someone on how to "get rid" of a spanking fetish.   The reason why spankings have become part of the sex drive vary - but almost always hark back to childhood spankings - but instead of healthy acceptance to embrace the foible, the writer wallows in the guilt of having such "unnatural" desires.   Fellow writers (who seem to have no formal training in psychology advise "ignore it and it will go away" strategies.   All very sad.

SSC spankings between adults is quite delightful and - apart from some mild bruising - does not damage the participants in any manner that should cause alarm.

I think we are seeing a spill over from the anti-spanking brigade.   Those fanatics are so self assured that no good can ever come from swatting a child - despite all the evidence to the contrary - that their propaganda has spilled over into the area of what makes the "correct" set of sexual preferences.

It behooves us all to try to engender the notion that being a spanko is no cause for shame.   The problem is, I guess, the vast majority have secrecy ingrained into us, that even talking about it is a task that simply cannot happen.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The big turn on

Spankos get turned on by spankings - that is taken as a self evident truth.   But when you ask spankos what it is that turns them on, you get different answers.

As you probably already known, the largest sex organ in the human body is the brain,   All pleasure, taste, sight, tactile, orgasmic, whatever, happens inside the brain and the trigger outside of the brain simply initiates a pleasure sequence deep inside the head.

Virtually any nerve system in the body can trigger the pleasure circuit to tingle.   Hence, let someone with a foot fetish loose on a suitable pair of feet, and watch near ecstasy take center stage.  Horses for courses and other useful adages come to mind.

Some hypothesize that the sight of buttocks turning red is linked to some primordial mating signal in the manner of some primates who still use colored hind quarters as an indication of readiness to mate.   But that tends to overlook the fact that most spankos are way less primitive than the average human being.

Another theory, that does not stand very close scrutiny, is that a body in agony mimics that of a body in high sexual stimulation:  groans, moans, wild shaking of limbs...    I did say, it does not stand very close scrutiny.

So what is the one big trigger?    There isn't one.    Whatever reduces you to a whimpering wreck of sexual delight may be the biggest turn off that the next in line has ever heard.

It all depends upon what stimuli trigger the pleasure circuits in any one brain, and the personal journeys of each of us has brought us to our own personal vision of heaven.

There are some common experiences and they can lead to some generalizations.   The prostrate gland in the human male lies near the outer end of the colon:  pressure close to the anus could cause the colon to contract in that areas, causing the prostate gland to feel as if it were being massaged.  An act virtually guaranteed to cause an erection.   So some come up with an equation that goes along the lines of spank = contraction = massage action = pleasure sensation.   And for some, but not all, that does happen.

Likewise, within the nether regions of a lady, the vagina and the anus are closely coordinated in sensations by the pudendal nerves.   Which gives another formula spank = contraction of anus = contraction of vagina = pleasure sensation.   Again, true for some, but a great universal truth,

The tactile sensation of hand on bottom, from either side of that equation, is not unpleasant.   The dominance/subservience of a spanking can trigger all sorts of deep tingles.   And the simple memory of how prior episodes led to great relief can, just by itself, be sufficient to set us off down that path once again.

From surveys, we on the dominant side do get higher when the spanking is "supposed" to be unwilling, and those on the submissive side have reported that the dominant's pleasure in what is going on far outweighs their own.

Even so, there is an unwritten SSC contract binding us all, and we breach that to slake our own lust at great peril to our own relationships.   Only when fantasizing in fiction can we ever cross that bounday line.

Resistence is useless

It would seem to me that we have two sorts of submissives on the spanking scene - the pacifist and the fighter.

The pacifist admits defeat as soon as the penalty is spelled out - goes across a knee or a desk without a word of protest and hangs on in until the final spank has finished its blistering effect.

And the fighter kicks and yells and does everything possible to delay the inevitable - and even once it has started, continue to delay its conclusion for as long as humanly possible.

And each has their role to play in our fantasies.   The noble heroine, going to her fate, can engender both sympathy and empathy.   And if nothing else, the bottom will be an easy target.    On the other hand, a wild cat brat flatly refusing to take her punishment strongly reinforces the unwilling victim aspect that acts as added pepper some of the time.   And wriggling about does give one more opportunities to see forbidden charms than when staring at a stoic and solidly clenched pair of thighs.

Video producers love fighters - simply for the fact that overcoming the struggles is taking up chunks of recording time that otherwise would have to be filled with ad lib dialogue, and we all know how bad that can turn out.

But you might have spotted the RealSpankingsNetwork and Pain4Fem are making fortunes with simple "Come here - assume the position - take that" shorts that are very low on talk, very low on resistance and very high on pain infliction.    And while English Spanking Classics still make their videos available for sale - full of tantrums and jumping around - they are virtually out of production.

As writers we can feed our readers what makes them tingle - and all the evidence points to them preferring spankees who grit their teeth and take their whacks.   Grunts of pain are well within order - but "keep your hands off me, you brute" goes into a zone most readers don't really care. for.